Why do I get the warning "No thumbnail indexed" in search results?

By steingod |

There are multiple reasons for this. Initially we had a problem with different file formats for the Sentinel-2 data we indexed. This caused trouble in the SAFE to NetCDF conversion. This issue is fixed. When this appears now it is related to the performance of the WMS server supporting the indexing. In order to handle the large volumes of data, the communication with the storage backend has been reconfigured. This reconfiguration is not fully completed yet and causes these errors currently

Why do I get the message "Undefined index" in the metadata search?

By steingod |

This was due to a bug occuring when the search results contained datasets where the dataset landing page was undefined. This is a bug should be fixed now and to our knowledge and testing it does not occur anymore.  Please report incidents using the issue tracker if you receive such messages.

What is the difference between the NetCDF and SAFE files?

By steingod |

The SAFE are the data originally disseminated by the European Space Agency. The SAFE format is basically a ZIP file with a collection of XML and other files. Within the SAFE file, the spectral bands are presented in the native spatial resolution of the satellite sensor. On the other hand, in the NetCDF files all bands are interpolated to the spatial resolution of the band with the highest resolution. This provides and image stack that is easy to use in processing.

Where can I find information on the SAFE format?

By steingod |

SAFE is a format developed by the European Space Agency for "archiving and conveying Earth observation data within the European Space Agency (ESA) archiving facilities and, potentially, within the archiving facilities of cooperating agencies.". Further information on the SAFE format is available at http://earth.esa.int/SAFE/.