Sentinel-1 over the Norwegian mainland

By trygveh |

Sentinel-1 data is acquired over Norwegian areas of interest at a high pace. The gif show the Sentinel-1 interferometric wide swath (IW) products aquired over the Norwegian mainland over six days. IW is the primary mode used for land and coastal areas. The products can inspected more closely in the search interface or by means of the Mosaic Tool.

New Mosaic tool available

By laraf |

A new visualization tool has been released. It collects the S1 and S2 data available through this portal, for the last 3 days. This collection of products, or mosaic, allows the user to have a quick overview of the most recent products, but it also directly links to the integrated visualization tool where all variables of the products can be selected/deselected and a deeper zoom can be achieved.

Transferring colhub services to new hardware - Updated

By steingod |

There are still issues with the hardware solution running colhub services. These issues prevents satisfying operation. In order to prevent further complications we are now moving services to new hardware. This will cause temporary interruptions of services. Services should be online again later tonight, achieving normal behavior over the next few days. We apologise for the inconvenience.

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