Sentinel-1 in

By trygveh |

We are pleased to inform that Sentinel-1 Ground Range Detected (GRD) Extra Wide (EW) swath mode now are available in (i.e. Get Data -> National hub). The Sentinel-1 satellites carries a C-band SAR instrumet which is, among others, capable of acquiring radar-"images" of the earth surface independent of clouds in the athmosphere and sunlight. 

Which machine interfaces does NBS offer

By steingod |

As NBS currently offers two interfaces to data, there are some differences in the machine interfaces between them. The DHUS software offers OpenSearch and Open Data Protocol (ODATA). The NBS test portal offers OPeNDAP, OGC WMS, and ODATA (through the DHUS interface). OAI-PMH is under implementation and configuration. OGC WCS and OpenSearch is under consideration and planning for the test portal.

Why do I get the warning "No thumbnail indexed" in search results?

By steingod |

There are multiple reasons for this. Initially we had a problem with different file formats for the Sentinel-2 data we indexed. This caused trouble in the SAFE to NetCDF conversion. This issue is fixed. When this appears now it is related to the performance of the WMS server supporting the indexing. In order to handle the large volumes of data, the communication with the storage backend has been reconfigured. This reconfiguration is not fully completed yet and causes these errors currently